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Unmistakeable style

Made in Italy denotes a process of re-evaluation of Italian industrial production with the associated guarantee of superb quality that forms the core of each and every CIR product. Floor and wall tiles that reflect the latest trends, offering with top-level technical and aesthetic performance in full compliance with eco-sustainability norms.

The story

Brand founded in 1967 and acquired in 1993, Cir offers glazed porcelain stoneware solutions with high decorative impact for the residential market. Characterised by an unmistakable style and specialising in a wide range of small sizes such as 10×10 cm, the company caters for a young and dynamic clientele, offering quality backed by design and excellent technical performance. Constant stylistic updating and research in colours, surfaces and textures characterise the offer, ready to provide answers to target customer needs. Cir has always known how to evolve its history, from roots that sink deep into ceramics culture to the most advanced (and also technological) innovation, while maintaining a high degree of awareness for ceramic products and for products which can also be playful and enjoyable.

